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Karmic Responsibility in Life

The foundation for all Yogic Counselling is that we must first assume karmic responsibility for our own lives.

Only when we assume responsibility for ourselves in life can we effectively change who we are and alter how we live in a harmonious manner.

Recognising that we are responsible for who we are and our karma, particularly for the difficulties that come to us.

When we take karmic responsibility for our lives, we move through obstacles and take control of our lives and make necessary changes.

Once we rewrite the story of not being a victim and blaming others for the condition of our life, we develop a motivation necessary to improve our lives. When we have an identification as a victim, we get caught in the past and become weaker in being able to inhibit positive changes in the present moment.

When we recognise that we are responsible for the world in which we live, meaningful and lasting changes can be made and provide us with a new horizon of transformation. When we are able to forgive others and let go of the past, learn to respond and not simpy get caught in reactions and observe and understand our karma.

We can ask ourselves key questions in relation to our karmic responsibility:

~ Who am I blaming for my condition and state of well-being in life?

~ How can I achieve greater responsibility for myself in life, materially, emotionally and spiritually?

~ How can I best help others in terms of Karma Yoga?

Recognising and learning about how to manage our karma, can help clear a lot of emotional negativity and give us the confidence to make a positive way forward in consciousness. With this unfoldment, we can be led beyond karmic bondage and to higher self-awareness. No longer allowing the past experience to bind us, we can transcend karma and be open to grow and learn from its wisdom.

Once we manage our emotions, desires, thoughts and actions, our motivation in life and aspiring to higher consciousness, we are no longer pulled down with our karmic inertia.

*Special thank you to Dr David Frawley, Integral Vedic Counselling for these insights and teachings on taking karmic responsibility in life.

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