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Complex in Healing

We have three competing but coexisting pillars of existence:

 mind (sattva), 

soul or inner being (Atman) 

and body (sharira). 

Each one is intricately connected to the others ... 

For instance, in physical disease there is a mirror component of mental and spiritual imbalance.

Likewise, in the case of mental disturbance, there is a corresponding disruption in the physical and spiritual landscapes.

But of the three, the mind is the key.

It acts as a doorway that opens lines of communication to the other two, like a ‘middle man,’ sending messages between the body and the soul. 

It is the entry point to access the Soul.

The key to the door that opens to the Absolute.

The mind needs to be tamed and trained in order to properly serve a higher purpose.

Determined discipline and practice for the mind to be brought to its true destiny as a channel for the inner Self.

The more connection with our inner consciousness that the mind cultivates, the more positive states of energy occur within the body as well.

When the mind is in a meditative state of concentration, the body is drawn into a state of effortless health.

So freeing the mind allows for the inner consciousness to descend into the body and mind and do its healing work. Planting seeds of lasting health and well-being.


Dr David Frawley, Integral Vedic Counselling

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