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Three Qualities to Spiritual Practice ~ Sadhana

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there is a sutra describing the process of Sadhana (spiritual practice):

“That (practice) becomes firmly grounded which is continued for a long time with reverence and without interruption” (Samadhi Pada: 14)

When we look at this sutra, we can break it done as follows:

Practice which is done;

For a long period of time;

Without a break;

With faith;

Which creates;

Solid foundation.

There are three qualities that are necessary for the achievement or fulfilment of any sadhana:

The first is faith or conviction. Conviction that with the work, we will achieve our goal. Without that conviction there is no motivation to do the work. The same applies to spiritual sadhana. There has to be faith or conviction that you are going to achieve the goal whether it takes a long or short time is irrelevant.

The second quality, is continuity or regularity. When we feel that we can fulfil our need through a particular sadhana, then we must try to become regular in it. During that period of practice we try to ignore any distractions that come in the way. Once we set out on the journey, how long it takes us to reach our destination depends on our continuity. We can stop 20 times on the way or we can go on continuously. If we stop 20 times it will take longer. Continuity without a break is necessary in order to obtain the full benefit of the practice.

The thirdly quality is a long period of time. Pracitsing over a long time is something that can put us off. If we have to do something for a long time, it is easy to get bored. In external awareness, the mind follows the senses, but when we are internalised, with the senses following the mind, then the time factor is not important. So we have to be committed to our spiritual practice, sadhana without any impatience or expectation of achievement within a certain time.


Yoga Darshan, Vision of the Yoga Upanishads, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

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