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Unitary Pranic Flow

We aim for the breath to have a unitary pranic flow in balancing the dualities of the inhale and exhale correlating to the dualities of the mind in its attractions and projections.

The Kundalini pranic flow up the central, Sushumna nadi, energy channel represents the unitary flow of prana and balancing of the left and right pranic energy channels, Ida and Pingala.

To ascend with unitary pranic flow, we focus on maintaining balance, detachment and control of the body, mind and senses.

Withdrawal of the senses, attentive and concentrative awareness in meditation, contribute to the balancing of the right and left side of the body and brain, drawing us inwards to a one pointed concentration.

If we can merge into unitary pranic awareness, we quiet the mind and balance out our prana, energy and emotions.

There are several practices to move with this unison including: 

  • Mantra: The So Ham mantra meditation: Inhaling So to draw in receptive lunar energy and exhaling Ham to release and project solar energy. The balancing of the lunar and solar channels (Ida and Pingala) draws us into an inner peace and the sounds of So’Ham continue to reverberate within the spine and Sushumna nadi. Merging into the unitary pranic flow, the Supreme Self is revealed, I am that, that I am.

  • Yoga Asanas: The body gives us balance and through movement and practicing yoga asanas, we draw the pranic energy to the centre. By twisting, we balance the left and right side of the body and balancing asanas such as tree pose, create stability for the unitary pranic flow to rise in the central channel.  

  • Meditation: By concentrating on stillness and raising the energy up from our earth root chakra, Muladhara, we move through the light body and chakras to higher awareness and into unitary pranic flow. Breathing in elemental awareness, from earth to spirit, we guide the Kundalini up the central channel, purifying energies and connecting us in unison with the pranic flow of our Supreme Self.

  • Nadi Shodhana: Alternate nostril breathing balances the left and right side of the brain and body and connects us with the power of our internal dialogue allowing us to ride the dualities of the mind and settle into oneness through the breath.

By practicing gaining a unitary pranic flow, we move through life graciously in higher awarenesss. A simple way to meet that point of awareness, is to simply close our eyes and with attention on the breath, as you inhale, bring in a sense of calm and peace into the body and as you breath out, exhale any tension, stress, anxiety and fear away from the body and mind.

With continued practice, we can go beyond the breath duality and develop a power of concentration, attention and detachment to create proper balance in the mind, remove toxins away from the body and reclaim composure of our inner energies.

Om Hrim Hamsa Soham Swaha.


Thank you to Dr David Frawley,

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