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Venus Debilitated

~ Debilitated Venus in Virgo (Nov 2023) ~

The debility of Venus means that it is considered weaker or less influential during its transit.

Occurring because Venus is placed in the sign of Virgo, the positive aspects of Venus may be diminished or we have to work three times as hard to get results.

Time to make conscious efforts in our relationships, creative energies and connecting to the Self.

Moderation is key during this transit and focusing on patience, acceptance and compromises in relationships. Avoid being too critical about things that bother you and try to conserve your energy during this time.

Increasing meditation and yoga practices to focus on areas that mitigate adverse effects and enhance the positive aspects of Venus.

We can work with Swadisthana, the second sacral chakra, which governs our emotions, sensuality and creativity as well as Anahata, the heart chakra.

Yoga poses such as lions pose, goddess pose and heart openers will bring awareness to Venus energies to the body for a deep profound influence.

Focus breath areas on deep belly breathing and moving the breath from the base of the spine to the throat, to enhance awareness of the heart for a focus on Venus expanding our hearts open …

Consuming Rose herb, planting some Rose or even smelling the sweet aroma of Rose will also help with balancing out Venus in debilitation.

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