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~ Daughter of the Earth ~ 

~ The Earth Star Chakra ~Vasundhara ~

The Earth Star Chakra is approximately six inches below the feet and assists in grounding and nature awareness.

It is a transpersonal chakra which is outside our light body and connects us energetically (transpersonal meaning, transcending the realm of the incarnated personality).

Acting as a bridge between our consciousness and the collective consciousness of Planet earth, energy rises through the legs via the Foot Chakras and to the Root Chakra, Muladhara Chakra.

Muladhara Chakra is the foundation of the Chakric system, and therefore has a direct Earth element relationship with the Earth Star (Foot Chakras).

The Earth Star anchors us to the Physical Plane of existence and is the root to personal and transpersonal parts of the Soul.

Allowing us to stay grounded despite the daily activities that unground us, the Earth Star allows us to remain firm in our life’s purpose and not be swayed by emotions and thoughts of others around us. The external energies are cleared out from our Aura when we connect to our Earth Star and gives our Soul security to express its purpose.

With the placement below the feet, the Chakra grounds the Subtle Bodies and entire Chakric system.

It is also involved in stimulating the Kundalini with its relationship with Muladhara, at the base of the spine.

The energy from the Earth Star Chakra works with the energy current in Muladhara for a Kundalini awakening to occur. So connecting with Earth Star allows us to feel protected and grounded, a deep connection with our inherent inner powers and Divine connection with Mother Earth.

 With an unbalanced Earth Star, we can be emotionally unstable, feel ungrounded and lose touch with our Spirituality and lose a sense of our purpose. Physically we can experience problems with our legs, knees, ankles and hips.

To balance our Earth Star Chakra, we can walk barefoot in nature, connect with the earth through our feet, draw earth’s energy up from the feet towards the base of the spine and practice standing in Samasthiti (equal standing and balance pose) with awareness to grounding all four corners of our feet with earth.

*Special thank you to Nevan Paar for the knowledge on the Earth Star Chakra from Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium: The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential.

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